Artist Connect

FEATURED ARTIST: Interview with Rome Artist, Enza Gianfrancesco

Enza Gianfrancesco
Digital Artist | 32 | Rome

@enzagianfi |
We are honored to have, Enza Gianfrancesco, as our Featured Artist, she is an amazing artist that creates all sorts of graphics and illustrations as well taking some really nice photographs, make sure to head over to her wall and while your there hit that follow button! You wont regret it!

How long have you been an artist? What is your specialty? Where do u find inspiration?
I am a graphic designer for about 10 years.

I love illustration, especially character design, photography and photo manipulation.

I find inspiration in the world around me, from people’s behavior. But also from music, cinema, nature… and often while I sleep (I always have a notebook on the nightstand to write down the ideas that suddenly come to me during the night).

Do you have a job in the art industry? If So, what’s one thing you don’t like about it? If no, where would your dream job be?
Currently I work as a freelancer on various projects.
I really like working for different clients from time to time, both as a freelancer and in an agency.

My dream job is to work in the music industry: I’d like to design record covers and concert stage graphics.
It would be great if my work became an inspiration for other artists.

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Do you have a favorite Artist?
I have many favorite artists, different from each other: David Ogilvy and Erberto Carboni for advertising, Bruno Munari and Massimo Vignelli for design, Neville Brody for typography, Saul Bass for motion design… then Sarolta Ban, Luisa Azevedo, Agostino Iacurci, Fernando Botero and so on and so forth!

What is one accomplishment you’ve had in your life? Does not need to be art related.
When a customer told me ok to the first draft!

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 20 years?
I imagine continuously about many things, but I do not know how and where I will be in the future. I hope to continue doing the job I like and have a family of mine.

If you could meet and talk to any person in the world, dead or alive, who would it be?
Hagrid, the character in the Harry Potter series of novels. I love fantasy novels, they stimulate creativity and the characters in these stories are often a good source of inspiration.

How is one way you make money with your art?
I have worked for years in various communication agencies. Now I work as a freelancer on various projects.
In the future I would like to open an online shop to sell my illustrations.

If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be and why?
I dream of going to Australia to see the coral reefs, the Opera House, the desert and take a picture with a quokka.

What is your favorite brand of art supply? Whether it’s a brand of pencils or brand of camera or software
Adobe, I’m in love with Photoshop and Illustrator. I use Caran D’Ache and Pantone pastels for hand drawings.

Any advice for young artists?
Never stop updating and studying.

Keep creativity always alive with new challenges first and foremost with yourself.

Do not be demoralized by the constant changes of the customer and keep calm!