Ahyun Kim

Illustrator | 28 | South Korea

@anthro_kim | www.patreon.com/AnthroKim
We are honored to have, Ahyun Kim, as our Featured Artist, an amazing creative that draws some really cool illustrations with excellent use of color! Make sure to scope all the awesome work on the wall and while your there hit that follow button to help support artists of our community!

How long have you been an artist? What is your specialty? Where do u find inspiration?
I belive I have been an artist for my whole life! But to be exact, I’ve been a professional paid artist since I graduated my University(2014)
My specialty is drawing webcomic, and fantasy illustration.

I find inspiration from many sources: Reading graphic novels, manga, watching movies, reading novels, traveling etc.

I think NOT BEING STUCK IN A RUT is the most important part of getting inspiration


Do you have a job in the art industry? If So, what’s one thing you don’t like about it? If no, where would your dream job be?
I am just a freelancing artist drawing occasional commissions and running my own patreon page 😀

I’m very happy for what I am right now! I guess being an artist is my dream job:D

Do you have a favorite Artist?
There are just too many favorite artists but for now, I love Beksinski’s art. It’s so eerie and fantastic

What is one accomplishment you’ve had in your life? Does not need to be art related.
I have been uploading my webcomic ‘Reverie Garden’ for about 5years and I’m still uploading it. Maintaining my webcomic for such time would be my biggest accomplishment!

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 20 years?
I think I’ll still be a freelancing artist in 5years,10years and so on but I want my art to be much more amazing and be loved by more and more people 😀
For example, right now I have about 95-ish followers on instagram but there will be 5k followers in 5years, 10k followers in 10years, 100k in 20years!!

If you could meet and talk to any person in the world, dead or alive, who would it be?
My mom

How is one way you make money with your art?
Commissions, art contest, and my patreon page

If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be and why?
I guess… international space station? I want to watch the earth from the universe and feel how small I am 😀

What is your favorite brand of art supply? Whether it’s a brand of pencils or brand of camera or software
For my lineart Winsor & Newton’s Indian Ink is amazing and, Nikko and Tachikawa pennibs works wonder For other traditional media, I love Karen Dache’s conte and color pencil HWC and Winsor&Newton’s watercolor I use photoshop for most of my digital work and Wacom tablet(I love wacom!)


Any advice for young artists?
I see many of my fellow artists including myself often feel so embarrassed about old works. I myself feel so frustrated when I see my old works and realize how bad and naive they were haha.

However, I want to change my perspective that I am proud of how much I am improved and I will be better and better. Let’s be confident about our artworks and enjoy what we create!