Dina Sami

Creative Artist | Palestine

@creativebeingdina | bit.ly/2GtTRXz
We are honored to have, Dina Sami, as our Featured Artist, she is an amazing artist that draws some awesome illustrations, you definitely wont regret checking out her work, so go over and support a fellow artist, make sure to hit that follow button!

How long have you been an artist? What is your specialty? Where do u find inspiration?
I think we are all born curious artists, expressing ourselves in our own way, some choose to continue to explore and play. I chose to create art to tell stories and when brands wanted me to bring their story to life, I saw this as an opportunity to do something i love and get paid for it too! My favorite quote by Confucius sums it up “Choose a job you love, and you will never work a day in your life.” I love illustrating, I make sure I variate my style and constantly experiment and evolve as an artist. I also design and work with mixed media and motion graphics as well. I am an avid traveler so my inspiration comes from people I meet, cities I visit, places I explore and cultures I learn from.

Do you have a job in the art industry? If So, what’s one thing you don’t like about it? If no, where would your dream job be?
I work in the Creative Department of a Media Company, so it’s bringing the arts to the data world which is different and I am liking the learning I am getting out of it. I also freelance illustration directly with clients, brands and people. One thing I don’t like is the perception of value of art. Seriously under appreciating an artist work really deflates a creative person.

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Do you have a favorite Artist?
I am always rotating shifts for my favorite Artists to keep things fresh! Love, love, love Abbey Lossing, Julia Wertz and Julia Rotham and their illustrations. Loving mixed media collage work in The Art of Collage. Loving James Victore and his expression with art.

What is one accomplishment you’ve had in your life? Does not need to be art related.
Getting called by Apple to illustrate a massive mural for their first massive flagship store in Dubai. I was born in Dubai, so it was everything i loved in one project. Apple. Dubai. Illustration. Communities.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 20 years?
Travelling the world, one drawing at a time.

If you could meet and talk to any person in the world, dead or alive, who would it be?
I love talking to everyone, it gives me an insight on how we are all different but the same in ways. I am drawing a blank on a particular person because I never thought that way.

How is one way you make money with your art?
I illustrate stories as gifts people look for. Bringing to life someones journey in drawings hits home with people!

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If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be and why?
I want to go everywhere, explore the world. South America is next on the list, with all their cultures and streets and art embedded in their cities, what’s not to see?

What is your favorite brand of art supply? Whether it’s a brand of pencils or brand of camera or software
Muji. The way the pen writes and their options, I am a massive fan!

Any advice for young artists?
Keep drawing, keep experimenting, keep collaborating. Don’t overthink, just create and you will learn something new in the process. Most importantly, have fun! It will show in your work!

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